We all know how important it is to floss daily, but it’s so easy to let it slip our minds. Especially when we’re focused on other habits like brushing every day! Unfortunately, not flossing regularly can lead to a number of problems down the road. And that’s why we need to make flossing simpler for kids! Here are 3 secrets that will make flossing easier — and even fun — for children. 1) Maintain Your Grip Having a secure hold is crucial during flossing. It ought to be firmly grasped at an angle such that it touches the side of the tooth. In the stores, there are many different kinds of floss. Your Dentist in Delhi can help you choose the perfect floss that provides the most comfort when flossing. When choosing the type of floss, precision and control are two important considerations. 2) Use a Waterpik Using a Waterpik with your regular toothbrush will help clean out the parts of your mouth that are difficult for even the best flosser to reach. The Waterpik uses pressurized wa...
Hey, I am Kevin. I have been practicing dentistry for over 10 years now, and I believe that dentistry is one of the most rewarding professions out there. My goal is to provide the best dental care possible to my patients, and make sure they feel comfortable in my clinic.